a) They all really suck.
b) They are all Grammy nominated artists.
c) Both a and b are correct.
d) Neither a nor b are correct.
e) I read "b" and threw up in my mouth a little.
If you answered "c," you are correct. Unfortunately. If you answered "e," that sucks...I hate that feeling.
All awards shows have their bleak moments. We all know that Titanic isn't a Best Picture quality film*, that Judi Dench won for being in approximately 19 seconds of Shakespeare in Love, and that there is an entire telecast devoted to the "best" of Country music.
There is a reason it's called "taste" in music. What is pleasing to one's ear is virtually as subjective as what is pleasing to one's palate. Except when it's not. Because the Pussycat Dolls are the Chef Boyardee Beefaroni of music. Sure you can like it, but make the argument that it's actually good and you run into problems.
The Grammys, in their desperation for ratings and relevance, nominate these artists on the basis of popularity in the vain hope that their fans will tune in. Tune in to watch them give Record of the Year to some Old Guy They've Never Heard of Who Wins Because It Is The Only Name The Old Voters Recognized On The Ballot. Time to give it a rest already.
*But Billy Zane was snubbed.
Up next for Banishment...Television "Pre-Caps"** vs. Lenses That Adjust to Sunlight Levels
**Pre-cap: A clip shown before cutting to commercial revealing everything that happens in the next segment.
I tried to tell my boyfriend that his sunlight-adjusting glasses age him about 25 years but for some reason he wouldn't believe me (I think he believes it's some sort of requirement for being a teacher). For his sake, I vote on pre-caps.
i hate sunlight-adjusting lenses, but i literally just complained about "pre-caps" with hal for about 30 minutes last night. they're as bad as the "re-caps" that happen right after a commercial break. they've always been banish-worthy, but tivo effectively renders both worthless.
This is a tough one! I hate both...pre-caps are like every trailer for every romantic comedy: ANNOYING. Especially if that movie is NIGHTS IN RODANTHE and the trailer is like nine minutes long. Those dumb sunglasses make ME want to puke in my mouth a bit...and then spit it on the person with their sunglasses "on" in a bright office room. Idiot. Just wear contacts.
I tend to think of it as "The Granny's", because they seem to be the only ones who can remember when it was good...
Please don't vote for the photosensitive lenses! I might get those! I don't carry a purse, and don't have enough hands to also carry a pair of sunglasses for when I got outside! I don't care that they're totally dorky! Leave us unbanished in peace!
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