I shouldn't hate pre-caps. I should love them for distilling entire segments of stupid reality programming into the 30 seconds where stuff actually happens. Alas, their complete and utter pointlessness, as well as their increasing prevalence and duration, render them more than banishworthy.
If you were not planning on sticking around after the commercial breaks, would any of this pre-cap information really entice you? Just once, I would love to hear that precapper from "The Bachelor" say "Coming up: To absolutely no one's surprise, our Bachelor sends home the tramp that does nothing but cause problems and the gap-toothed quiet girl you probably forgot was even on the show." Then I would definitely tune in.
And, with DVR fast-forwarding, the approximate time between the pre-cap and the next segment of the show is a brisk 1.8 seconds...which is shorter than any pre-cap I've ever seen. Time to get on with the show, already.
Next up for Banishment HOLIDAY EDITION!! The phrase "Seasons Greetings" vs. "The Twelve Days of Christmas" Song
1 comment:
I would love the recap of the recap
"Coming up, we'll announce a completely misleading introduction of something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything you've just seen. Stay tuned."
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