Psychiatric drugs typically fall into the first camp. If we believe the ads, these drugs all possess the ability to transform one's world from black and white to beautiful Technicolor in bizarrely Oz-ian fashion. Also, with a prescription, the likelihood of a significant other, golden retrievers, balloons, and proximity to a beach/meadow for convenient frolicking is enhanced.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have the over-explaining if-your-erection-lasts-more-than-five-hours-seriously-you-
let-it-go-on-for-that-long? offenders. In a country that almost picked up the red phone over Janet Jackson's partially exposed breast, how are commercials about boner drugs given a pass? How are our nation's parents answering the question, "Daddy, what is e.d. and what does it have to do with Elvis?"
These criticisms pale in comparison to the most Banish-worthy characteristic of prescription drug ads: they are among the only commercials on television for things you can't actually buy.** You shouldn't be "asking your doctor" about pills...they should be evaluating your symptoms and prescribing them based on their analysis. That's why they have the fancy ",MD." on their business cards and you don't.
*that's what she said, pre-Cialis
**except on the internet or in the countries bordering ours in either direction
Next up for Banishment: Frisee or Halloween Greeting Cards
Frisee for sure - i hate lettuce that tastes and looks like someone grew it on the sidewalk as a weed. Halloween cards on the other hand, are great. Almost as great as this blog.
Natalie, I love this blog. I think it's hilarious. But I swear to God, if you banish frisée, I will fucking LOSE IT. IT IS ONE OF THE BEST LETTUCES YOU CAN EAT. It holds dressing excellently in its little curls. It probably catches more dressing then a pathetic sub-par lettuce like iceberg. Yes, frisée can have the sharp taste of mincing French elitism, but I will NOT stand for it being banished.
this was an exceptional post, nat. is it weird that every time i come on to read the new post i end up re-reading the last several posts and still laughing out loud? there's something new every time. this time, it was me noticing the middle finger graphic on the warm air dryer graphic - you sure are getting good with paint!
You were in a prescription drug ad once, don't forget. An ad for Micronex, which helped with sore toe joints.
I believe you read the phone book upside down in it.
If I see one more Cialis commercial during my tennis I'm gonna SCREAM!!! Do they target sporting events more?
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