5 issues with the above statement:
1. Erasable. A new red sock washed in hot water with the whites leaves less evidence behind than so-called "Erasable" ink.
2. [popular in the] early 1980s. Et tu, shoulderpads?
3. Readability. If you know how to read, then isn't see-ability the same thing as readability? As long as we are not in the realm of invisible ink, shouldn't the burden of readability be on the reader, rather than the read-ee?
4. Eraser functionality. Again, this gives the impression that the erasers actually function to erase rather than smear the gooey ink-like substitute until the paper is so distressed that you are forced to white out the error...exactly the course of action you would have taken if you made the error with a traditional pen.
5. Pencil. Exactly.
No one is impressed that you did your crossword in erasable ink. Just like they are not impressed with your temporary tattoo.
After 73 votes were cast, erasable pens edged out pee-ing dolls by only 1 vote! Next items up for Banishment: Strollers for Dogs or Nutrition Facts on Water Bottles
What happens to all the items that don't get banished? Can they be renominated for banishment? Also, is it possible to save something from banishment? I still feel pulp didn't get a fair shake.
But isn't that the problem with pulp? Always having to get a shake?
I think at the end of the month, we should have a vote for all the things that didnt get banished, and it should be the banishment of the month...i think that made sense...i dont know...long day...my brain should be banished at this point
I'm planning for a vote among the losers (winners?) each month...keep tuning in and you'll find out what happens to those things narrowly escaping banishment.
I also think that at the end of the month, there should be a portrait of what the world would be like without all that month's banished items. Like, sure, we would be drinking pulpless oj and only have real pens or pencils to write with. But what would the ripple effects look like? What would the consequences mean for world affairs or our personal lives?
but how about NEW erasable pens, like the Pilot FriXion??
they deserve to be reinstated. ;)
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